Category: Blog (Page 3 of 3)

We Are The World: Where is Bono?

Ok, I know this video is already appearing everywhere but here it is, again. I’ve always found these quite moving, although I’m not sure if it is the fact of seeing so many  peacocks and divas putting aside their egos to be filmed singing side-by-side chorus style or the sentiment that “we are the world.” It is a lovely notion. But the idea that “we are the ones”–that is pop consumers and donors–who singlehandedly make the world better? Not so lovely. Final question. Where is Bono?

Jeff Farias show

I just finished a very pleasant half-hour radio interview with Jeff Farias of Phoenix’s Jeff Farias Show. I was a little nervous, having spent the last 6 months writing non-stop, that I’d be a bit foggy but it appears that I can, in fact, still talk in sentences (sort of). Check it out here. There should be a podcast up soon, too.

Nigeria out to arrest Pfizer execs

According to the BBC, the Nigerian authorities have now issued warrants for the arrest of several Pfizer staffers! Their case against Pfizer, regarding the botched 1996 Trovan trial on meningitis patients, has been preposterously slow. There are several lawsuits pending and all have been adjourned, postponed, delayed etc etc more than twice. This latest twist probably has more to do with intensifying pressure on the much more important–but less talked about–settlement talks, which have been ongoing throughout in London.

The Nigerian authorities aren’t after greater transparency in clinical trials, which would go a long way toward preventing the kinds of violations that occurred in the Trovan trial. They’re dialing for dollars. Can’t blame them, exactly, but it hardly advances the cause.

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