Category: Articles (Page 2 of 7)

My new story on antibiotic resistant bugs in India, in Foreign Affairs

Photo by Sonia Shah

Photo by Sonia Shah

My new story on the emergence of a dangerous new form of antibiotic resistant bacteria in India, and how commercial concerns may be complicating efforts to tame it, appears in this week’s Foreign Affairs. Check it out at Foreign Affairs.

Also out: a nifty audio slideshow from my trip to India, on the website of the Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting, which kindly provided funding for my reporting. Listen and watch here.

My story on super-resistant bacteria in New Delhi, in The Atlantic

Photo by Sonia Shah

Photo by Sonia Shah

This is the first of a series of reports on NDM-1 bacteria, bugs endowed with the ability to resist not only commonly used antibiotics but the last-resort IV antibiotics used only in hospitals. NDM-1 first emerged in New Delhi (and is, controversially, named after the city) and has since spread to over 35 countries, primarily in the bodies of medical tourists. I recently returned from a trip to New Delhi, and filed this report for The Atlantic and the Pulitizer Center on Crisis Reporting, which funded my trip. Photos, video, an audio slideshow, and more stories in Foreign Affairs and Le Monde Diplomatique are forthcoming. Stay tuned.

My story on private interests in global health, now at Foreign

Xavier Donat/flickr

Xavier Donat/flickr

In this piece, I look at how major private industry–oil and gas companies, the fast-food industry, and Big Pharma–are transforming the global health agenda. In sum: it’s not good. The story is the product of about 6 months of research, supported by the Investigative Fund of the Nation Institute. Check it out here.

“How Private Companies Are Transforming the Global Health Agenda: A New Era for the World Health Organization,” by Sonia Shah, Foreign, November 9, 2011

My Wall Street Journal review of "Lifeblood" by Alex Perry

Alex Perry, of TIME magazine, shadowed millionaire investor-turned-malaria activist Ray Chambers, the UN Special Envoy for malaria, as he attempted to blanket the continent of Africa with treated bednets, and then wrote this short book about it, which I reviewed for The Wall Street Journal. It was a difficult review to write, because while I admire Perry as a reporter, I had many objections to the way he talks about malaria. I could only fit in a few in the review. Here’s the link.

The Guardian's take on our panel at the World Conference of Science Journalists

In the end, I had to Skype in to this year’s World Conference of Science Journalists conference in Doha, Qatar, and deliver my presentation on the issue of drug trials in developing countries via YouTube video. (You can check it out here.) Here’s what the Guardian newspaper had to say about it. “Ethics left behind as drug trials soar in developing countries,” The Guardian, July 4, 2011.

George Clooney taking questions about malaria at

Yes, another famous person has come down with malaria! It was British model Cheryl Cole most recently, and now the actor George Clooney, who has just recovered from a bout contracted in Sudan. He’s taking questions about the disease at, via Nicholas Kristof’s blog.

It’ll be interesting to learn whether he took prophylaxis or not. I suspect he did not. Many Westerners who  travel regularly to malaria-endemic regions don’t, including some top malariologists I’ve met. I suppose they feel immune, sleeping in air-conditioned rooms and enjoying easy access to prompt treatment. And mostly they are, compared to the 300,000+ people living in huts and slums who get infected every year. Personally, though, I’d never skip the preventive drugs. The history of malaria shows that that wily parasite and the mosquito that ferries it around are full of secrets and surprises.

On a separate note–I once appeared in a documentary about the film “Syriana,” talking about oil politics in connection with my book “Crude.” As George Clooney stars in “Syriana,” he appeared in the documentary too. Which means, of course, that I was in a movie with George Clooney!

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