Month: February 2006

February 28, 2006

February 28, 2006

Leave it to a twelve-year-old to come up with this cheeky experiment: comparing the levels of bacteria in ice cubes from fast food restaurants…to the water in their toilet bowls. And her result? The toilet bowl water was cleaner. See the story here.

This science fair experiment is currently making the rounds on Jay Leno, ABC, and the rest. According to “Good Morning America”‘s David Katz, this is “not cause for panic, although it is alarming.”

I’ll say! But the problem isn’t that our ice cubes are so dirty, it’s that our toilet water is so damn clean. We’re shitting and peeing in this pristine water—cleaner than our own ice cubes!—while around the world, 6,000 children die every day for lack of adequate sanitation. See the BBC story here.

Surely there’s a tale to be told there.

As for science whiz Jasmine Roberts, she’s not letting her friends chew on ice anymore.

August 17, 2006

August 17, 2006

Exposing prisoners to experimental drugs would be allowed only after the completion of early toxicity testing. This will hardly restrain drugmakers because they don’t need prisoners for early toxicity testing anyway. Students and homeless people line up in droves for the $200 daily fee, plus room and board, on offer at the industry test clinics. It’s “money for doing almost nothing,” as one test subject, a former law student, told me.

The bottleneck for drugmakers is in recruiting warm bodies for late-phase trials that establish a new product’s effectiveness with statistical certainty. These “Phase 3″ trials can require tens of thousands of patients to complete, and most drug-saturated Americans are reluctant to take part. Eighty percent of trials fail to meet recruitment deadlines, bleeding drugmakers of $1 million a day while their blockbuster wanna bes remain locked up in development.

To solve the dilemma, many drugmakers have rushed overseas, to places like India and Poland, where sick, desperate patients are abundant. Now, if the institute’s recommendations hold sway, they’ll be able to access the 7 million souls captive to the US correctional system as well. The institute’s proposed caveat — that prisoner experiments include subjects from outside prison walls as well — will make little practical difference in such trials. Few, if any, drugmakers would want to restrict these huge trials to prisoners anyway.

The institute also recommends that prisoners help oversee prison experiments. Unfortunately, often in resource-constrained environments, most everyone has an interest in the resources that well-funded research can bring in. “It generates quite a bit of hard-earned money,” one clinical investigator in South Africa explained to me. According to the institute, prisoners shouldn’t be deprived of this by a “myopic” obsession with informed consent.

The rationale, according to the institute, is that “access to research may be critical to improve the health of prisoners and the conditions in which they live.”

This is a bit fuzzy. Research breakthroughs alone don’t change conditions, as anyone who has seen stockpiles of vaccines rotting in tropical warehouses can tell you. Change requires the implementation of research, which most researchers are neither responsible for nor interested in. Sadly, there’s no guarantee that helpful research on prisoners will be promptly — or ever — applied to improve prison conditions.

In fact, the institute can scarcely ensure that research on prisoners offers the “potential benefit” that their proposed regulations call for. Pediatric trials are supposed to offer “potential benefit” to children. Why, then, do clinical-trials registries list just one trial on pediatric AIDS (a fatal disease for which few pediatric formulations of needed medicines are available), compared with no fewer than 70 on high blood pressure in children?

These experiments are not designed for their potential benefit to children, although drugmakers effectively argue that some subset of children will benefit from them. Rather, children are rounded up for such trials because blood-pressure drugs bring in $25 billion a year for drug companies, and testing these primarily adult medications on children extends drugmakers’ brand-name patents by several lucrative months.

Since 2000, Food and Drug Administration officials and drug executives have led a movement to restrict the rights of human subjects in medical research: from making substandard care to the poor acceptable, to gutting strict curbs on the use of placebos. The institute’s stance seems part of the trend. But once the experimenters are given the keys to the lockup, the choice for the imprisoned will be stark.

Behind bars, “death at random is a way of life,” according to one prisoner who spoke to government advisers prior to bans in the 1970s. “The only place in this prison that people don’t die is in the research unit,” he said. “Just what is it that you think you are protecting us from?”

For this prisoner, at least, the choice was clear: Be experimented upon or die.

February 17, 2006

February 17, 2006

News flash: “Too much contemplation gets in the way of good decision-making”! (Greg Miller, Science, February 17,2006). “Thinking too hard about complex decisions…may lead to worse choices”! (Newsday, February 17, 2006). “New advice for anyone who is struggling to make a difficult decision: Stop thinking about it”! (Boston Globe, February 17, 2006) Dimwits everywhere rejoice!

A new study in today’s Science magazine says that thinking too much is bad for you. I think not.

I admit I was intrigued by these new findings. But the spin is all wrong.

Psychologists at the University of Amsterdam studied different ways people make decisions about things like buying shampoo or a new car. Some of their subjects evaluated all the relevant information—price,size, what have you—and then made a decision. Others evaluated all the relevant information, then killed sometime distracting themselves, and then made their decision.When faced with only a few variables, surrounding the choice to buy shampoo,for example, the first method worked better (judged subjectively as well as objectively). But when faced with a larger array of variables, surrounding buying a house or car, the second method worked better. Why? Because, the researchers say, the second method allows the brain to do some unconscious processing, which is probably better than the conscious mind at synthesizing complex variables.

To me this study underlined how important it is for people to have downtime—time away from rapid-fire, always-on computer and television screens, instant messaging, cell phones, deadlines, one damn just-in-time thing after another. The need for contemplation! For relaxation! For all the things that allow one to descend below conscious thought into (hopefully) deeper levels of processing. Say, like…sleep! Music! Literature!

And so the spin that the press is putting on it—”Stop thinking!”—is all wrong. What the study suggests is: Think Deeper.

But it is suggestive that the “stop thinking” angle has such appeal. What does it mean? Nothing good, I’m afraid. Seems like yet another sign of a society in decline, one that elects cowboys as presidents and considers contemplation suspicious.

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