Category: Reviews of The Fever

NPR review of "The Fever"

NPR’s Michael Schaub reviewed “The Fever,” for’s “Books We Like.” Here’s a tidbit, below–it comes with a nice excerpt, too!

“Shah’s biggest strength is her unforced, almost conversational writing style. Microbiology and epidemiology can get very complicated very quickly, but Shah proves to be an excellent translator, for the most part explaining even the most complicated scientific processes in an accessible (though never patronizing) way. At times, she gets ahead of herself — early sections on the evolution of Plasmodium required, at least for me, a rereading or two. Mostly, though, she’s able to weave sections about science, history, and culture together in a seamless and fascinating way. Shah’s intellectual enthusiasm and dry sense of humor recall popular science writers such as Steven Pinker and Stephen Jay Gould; her narrative strength and penchant for investigative journalism bring to mind science reporter and Flu author Gina Kolata.”

Read the entire review here.

Early reviews from Publishers Weekly and Kirkus Reviews

Both Publishers Weekly and Kirkus Reviews, whose reviews inform the purchases of bookstore buyers, have nice words for The Fever. PW calls the book “fascinating, mordant” and “absorbing,” while Kirkus calls it a “sobering account” with “important lessons.” Excuse me for focusing unduly on the praise. I should add that they both also give typically concise summaries of the book, which should prove useful for interested readers. The full reviews are here (Publishers Weekly) and here (Kirkus).

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