Last week, I spoke with medical journalist Randi Hutter Epstein, about malaria, politics, Jeff Sachs, and the future of mosquitoes, in a video interview arranged by Randi, whose new book Get Me Out is on the history of childbirth, did her medical school thesis on malaria history, and also wrote a nice review of The Fever. It was great fun talking to her–kind of weird to record it but I think the end result actually works. Here’s the link on this website, and also on
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@ New Equations Series: Talks at the intersection of science and equity
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I just want to share that last year I did a present on Malaria to a panel made of up African dignitaries at an African Tourism Organization seminar. In my presentation I discussed cause of the disease and the current state of the fight against the disease. . After reading the reports and researched that my presentation was based and from my personal experience from going up in Sierra Leone I proposed that to combat the disease must look to improve the environment conditions in addition to the current nets, drugs and vaccine efforts.