Month: May 2010

Early reviews from Publishers Weekly and Kirkus Reviews

Both Publishers Weekly and Kirkus Reviews, whose reviews inform the purchases of bookstore buyers, have nice words for The Fever. PW calls the book “fascinating, mordant” and “absorbing,” while Kirkus calls it a “sobering account” with “important lessons.” Excuse me for focusing unduly on the praise. I should add that they both also give typically concise summaries of the book, which should prove useful for interested readers. The full reviews are here (Publishers Weekly) and here (Kirkus).

My op-ed in this weekend's Los Angeles Times–a "death sentence"?

An op-ed I wrote about a forbidden topic–the fact that many rural Africans do not want to sleep under the bednets we donate to them–appeared in this weekend’s Los Angeles Times. A prominent malariologist had this to say about it: “Excellent story – finally someone that dares to speak up. Mind you, your death sentence has been signed in Geneva by publishing this. You’ll be hated by the die-hard believers of nets…”

Perfect. That’s the kind of feedback that makes me feel like I’m doing my job. Check it out on this site, or at LA Times.

Also, in honor of last week’s World Malaria Day, see my article on greener methods of malaria control at Yale e360, and my blog post on the folly of square bednets for round huts at Ms. Magazine.

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